Hello again,
This blog entry will highlight one of my favorite categories to peruse in deleting domain names. That category being 6-character .com names. Since 2007, we have hand registered a few of these names and caught the majority of them on the drop. Below is a summary of some of our 6-character domain names for sale that can be found at DoughDomains.com
When it comes to the 6-character names, I've always liked the (3)(3) names the best because of the visual balance with 'com' having only three characters as well.
AskBet.com - Betting advice anyone?
HubBay.com - If StubHub and Ebay joined forces... Also an area in San Francisco
ProRag.com - The ultimate in a high performance auto detailing towel
TapBet.com - Bringing online wagering to touch screen technology -UPDATE-SOLD IN 2013
DuoPen.com - This pen can do more than one thing!
CarMom.com - Kind of like a "soccer mom" but more expensive
FurDry.com - I will take dry fur over wet dog anytime
PeeBox.com - A place where cats hang out -UPDATE-SOLD IN 2013
GoChip.com - Tech oriented domain name that would be perfect for security, banking etc.
DrOdor.com - He can make the world smell a bit fresher
EVKing.com - The King of Electric Vehicles may rule the world one day
MrHuge.com - His little brother has a chocolate bar named after him...
NuGrow.com - Perfect for hair restoration, or the fertilizer industry
RVBoys.com - These are the boys to see when you want to purchase your recreational vehicle
LoveHD.com - Who doesn't love high definition?
HelpYa.com - Delta, delta delta... This site could be a great on-line resource for help! -UPDATE-SOLD IN 2014
WSauce.com - Lea and Perrins could do a nice re-brand of their world famous sauce that is not the easiest to spell or pronounce
Mentho.com - A very fresh and marketable domain name
Boffed.com - A cheeky slang for a more mature audience
If you are interested in any of the above Dough Domains, please contact us at your convenience.
Warmest regards on behalf of DoughDomains.com
Follow us on Twitter @DoughDomains - Our domain portfolio is "all .com all the time"
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