Saturday, 20 October 2012

6-letter .com domain names

Hello again,

This blog entry will highlight one of my favorite categories to peruse in deleting domain names. That category being 6-character .com names. Since 2007, we have hand registered a few of these names and caught the majority of them on the drop. Below is a summary of some of our 6-character domain names for sale that can be found at

When it comes to the 6-character names, I've always liked the (3)(3) names the best because of the visual balance with 'com' having only three characters as well.

(3)(3).com - Betting advice anyone? - If StubHub and Ebay joined forces... Also an area in San Francisco - The ultimate in a high performance auto detailing towel - Bringing online wagering to touch screen technology -UPDATE-SOLD IN 2013 - This pen can do more than one thing! - Kind of like a "soccer mom" but more expensive - I will take dry fur over wet dog anytime - A place where cats hang out -UPDATE-SOLD IN 2013

(2)(4).com - Tech oriented domain name that would be perfect for security, banking etc. - He can make the world smell a bit fresher - The King of Electric Vehicles may rule the world one day - His little brother has a chocolate bar named after him... - Perfect for hair restoration, or the fertilizer industry - These are the boys to see when you want to purchase your recreational vehicle

(4)(2).com - Who doesn't love high definition? - Delta, delta delta... This site could be a great on-line resource for help! -UPDATE-SOLD IN 2014

(1)(5).com - Lea and Perrins could do a nice re-brand of their world famous sauce that is not the easiest to spell or pronounce

(6L).com - A very fresh and marketable domain name - A cheeky slang for a more mature audience

If you are interested in any of the above Dough Domains, please contact us at your convenience.

Warmest regards on behalf of


Follow us on Twitter @DoughDomains    - Our domain portfolio is "all .com all the time"

Friday, 12 October 2012

Exact-Match Domains from


Amongst the 1,000 domain names that I have registered since 2007 are some Exact-Match domain names. Each of the names are in the .com extension. Because after all... At our portfolio is..."all .com all the time"

Below you will find a brief description of the name/product. Ideally, I am looking for an end-user for these names that could develop or re-brand an existing business using the new name.

Each of the names are available for purchase. For further information, or to submit a serious and reasonable offer please eMail:

Exact-Match DoughDomain #1

Description: The ultimate in convenience and water conservation! is an exact match domain name that would be ideal for a landscaping company. Development of this name could also include a directory or database for companies that offer this service and/or links to businesses that supply the necessary products to develop a Rock Yard. Can you say category killing?

Exact-Match DoughDomain #2

Description: Cha-Ching! Chances are, you have a few receipts kicking around in your wallet or pockets right now. Now think about how much till tape would have been used today in your town? How about in your country? How about globally? can corner the market in this industry and provide retailers with a one-stop online shop where they could order volume quantities of Till Tape. 

Exact-Match DoughDomain #3

Description: Any home or property owner who has experienced flooding appreciates the importance and value of having Weeping Tiles. Well now the value lies in the exact-match domain name of  This Dough Domain would make a great plumbing tips and techniques website complete with numerous sponsor links and contact information for drainage experts across the country.

Exact-Match DoughDomain #4

Description: There is currently one dominant brand when it comes to Tinned Mints. However, there is an untapped market in bulk volumes of customizable tins containing mints using the brand name of Options could include customizable tins that would be designed to celebrate weddings and important dates. Freshen up your business today!

Exact-Match DoughDomain #5

Description: After witnessing first hand the connection a baby can have with an object of comfort, my wife and I were excited to hand register both the .com's in singular and plural for Tags Blankets. It's absolutely amazing how many crafty, entrepreneurs offer these simple little blankets on their personal websites. would love to find a home for this category defining domain name that could turn a small start-up business or hobby into a global distribution website under the brand name of 

Exact-Match DoughDomain #6

Description: Now here is a domain name involving a high-rent industry. There are so many companies that offer the service of bin rentals for construction, waste disposal or storage. has great marketability and could be a sub-directory to a service that it not disappearing anytime soon!

Those are just six of our 1,000 DoughDomains! 

We hope you found something you like. Check out the rest of our domain names for sale by visiting

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @DoughDomains